Jun 29, 2012

gifts are for giving

God has gifted believers with spiritual gifts to support one another and to build his Church.  Find out what your spiritual gift/s are and allow God to use you for His Glory.

Click here to go to the survey provided by Lifeway. (After the link comes up, click on Spiritual Gifts Survey under Related Content in the box on the right of the page).

Jun 25, 2012

Homecoming...always good to go home!

Yesterday, our church celebrated our annual homecoming service.  Homecoming Sunday is always an exciting day as family and friends come back home to visit and worship together. 

This particular homecoming was extra special for our family because my brother-in-law, Chuck Hollingsworth was the guest speaker.  Chuck recently graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Clark (Chuck's dad) introducing his son

 He did an excellent job sharing the Word with us and it was followed by an awesome lunch there at the church.  Baptists know how to cook, people! 

We had so much fun that we didn't leave the church until around 3:00 that afternoon.  Just in time to get a good Sunday afternoon nap :)

I didn't take many pictures, but did want to share a few since Chuck's wife (my sister)
and their kids weren't able to be there with us..........

Some of Chuck's family with his father, Clark and grandmother, Jewell

our church's Ministry Assistant, Ms. Susan Poole

Scott & Chuck at the sound booth before service
(the look on Scott's face is hilarious...you just can't see it that well in this picture)

proud father :)

flowers from the centerpieces

my chocolate chip cookies.....that were all eaten!

You know, one day we will all celebrate a homecoming together.  That particular homecoming will be when we are all reunited with our loved ones who have gone on before us.  I look forward to that day because I will see Jesus, face to face.  And I look forward to that day because I have hope in Jesus that my daddy will also be there.  What a glorious day that will be!

Jun 14, 2012


Welcome to "Living Grace Ministries"!  We are so glad that you stopped by to see what we are all about.  LGM is a newly formed ministry on paper and in the blog world, but not in our hearts :)

Scott and I have been testing the waters of ministry for several years now, but are now ready to jump out of the boat and meet Christ....even in the stormy waters of life!  Together, we believe that we can make a difference for Christ in the county we reside in, as well as in our state, country, and around the world. 

Scott has the heart of a musician and I, a writer, so we will be using our creativity to find ways to minister to those in need.  We both serve in several areas of our local church.  Scott leads our Praise Team, on which I am also a member, and he is also a guru when it comes to sound.  He has been 'instrumental' in helping in that area of ministry at our church.  I have a heart for women's ministry and enjoy serving alongside some amazing women with our church's WMU group.  We both serve on the youth committee and believe this next generation has so much to offer to the Church. 

We invite you to join us on this new adventure and check back often to see what God's up to.  We ask for your prayers that we will have the wisdom and discernment to hear God's voice clearly as we listen for His direction.  And please feel free to email us any prayer requests or suggestions you might have for ministry.

I will end this post with this quote by Corrie ten Boom - "Every experience  God gives us, every person he brings into our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see".

God Bless you, my friends......let's Keep Christ First!