Oct 23, 2012

Care vs. Cardboard

Care vs. Cardboard is a project inspired by a young lady attending college at Georgia State University.  She is a friend of my son, Dillan, and an inspiration to me...although I've never met her. 

As students, they see countless numbers of homeless people on their way to class.  There is a park in the nearby area that they pass when they walk down a certain street.  Because this park is public property, the homeless people in the area are allowed to stay, but they do not have shelter of any kind to protect them from the elements.  This young lady has been moved by God to do something about this.  Knowing that winter is not far away, she is collecting blankets, sheets, pillows, and other such items to give to these people in such great need. 

I was so moved by her compassion to help people she doesn't even know that I wanted to do my part to help with such a worthy cause. 

This is a great project for Acteens!

I was excited to be asked to lead the Acteens group at our church this year.  This group consists of young ladies from 7th - 12th grades. 
If you're not familiar with Acteens, it's a missions organization designed to teach young ladies about missions and how they can minister to others - not only in their communities, but in their country and around the world. 

This year's theme is: G3: The Power of a Girl to Change the World

I thought the Care vs. Cardboard project would be a great way to share how they can help with missions in their own state.  From now until this Sunday, October 28th, we have a collection box at First Baptist Church in Rochelle.  If you'd like to donate items for this worthwhile cause, please drop them by the church.  I would also be glad to pick up items if you are not able to deliver them. 

I ask that you remember these students  involved in this project...that God would use them in great ways to show Himself to those in need.  It doesn't matter what your age, young or old, God uses those who are willing.   

Prayer Empowerment Weekend

There's nothing like the power of prayer.  First Baptist Church Rochelle held our first Prayer Empowerment Weekend recently.  Beginning on a Friday night with supper and large and small group time, we spent the entire weekend learning more about how to have an effective prayer life.

Bob and Phyllis Foy spear-headed the event.  They brought in a team of individuals to teach us and lead us throughout the weekend.  Mr. Lowell Snow was the featured speaker and he did an outstanding job!

We were led in traditional hymns to open up each session.

church pianist: Norma Jean Wilkerson

Pastor: Jim Wiley

Scott and Argent always do a great job with video/audio.
Our church is blessed to have them!

On Saturday morning, we held prayer meetings in the homes of different church members.  Scott and I were honored to host one of these at our home.

After the prayer meeting, our group headed back to town to "Prayer Walk" one of the neighborhoods.

Here we are organizing ourselves

Even the children participated with their parents

I love this view we had when we first started down the street!  How encouraging!

We prayed for the school bus drivers in our county...

...and the students in our schools...

...for those living in the neighborhood where we walked...
and were thankful for the reminders to pray for our country.

We even walked by my childhood home.  Here I stopped and prayed specifically for my sweet mama.

We prayed for the college students at this technical school as well.

After the walk, we headed back to the church for lunch. 

You know us Baptists love to eat!

Then the women and men split up and had our own group time.

our pastor's wife: Sandra Wiley

Our speaker for the ladies group did a great job as well!

(a view from the balcony of one of the sessions)

This young lady shared her powerful testimony Saturday night. 
She was also one of the leaders for our home prayer meting.

(my sister and one of her daughters enjoying the event)

It was a very special weekend....one I will not soon forget.  I'm very thankful that we took this opportunity to focus on the importance of prayer.  Our churches need to be in constant prayer for our families, our communities, and for our country.  With the upcoming elections, the timing could not have been more appropriate.  I'm so thankful that we, as Christians, can go to our Heavenly Father at any moment and speak directly to Him.  Jesus is there at His side, constantly interceding for us. 

There is Power in PRAYER!